Entering is easy:
1. If you don’t already own an Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser, purchase one today. Shop now!
2. Shoot your fifteen-second video. To qualify, videos must contain the following elements:
Your first nameThat you are a Young Living memberYour Aria must be present in the videoExplain which oil you like to diffuse most and why
3. Title your video “What’s in Your Aria?” so we can find your entry.
4. Videos should be uploaded to YouTube and must be tagged with each of the following key words:
AriaUltrasonicDiffuserYoung LivingEssential Oil
Winners will receive an Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser (a perfect gift for the holidays), a TheraPro™ Premium Diffuser, and a $500 Young Living product credit.
One winning video will be selected each Friday from October 15 to December 10, 2010. The winning video will be the one that we feel best represents a strong passion for the Aria diffuser and for Young Living.
Contest Rules:
Video must be fifteen seconds or less in length.Videos must be uploaded to YouTube and be tagged with the following keywords: Aria, Ultrasonic, Diffuser, Young Living, and Essential Oil.You must title your video “What’s in Your Aria?”.After you upload your video, please send an email to productblog@youngliving.com (including your name and member number) notifying us of your submission.One winner will be announced every Friday from October 15 to December 10, 2010, via this web page and eNews.Employees of Young Living and their family members are not eligible to win.
SOURCE: D. Gary Young Blog
Brought to you by Aroma-Essence.comhttp://lavender.younglivingworld.com
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