So how does chewing gum improve oral health? As we eat, acids are created in the mouth as food is broken down. Over time these acids have the potential to break down tooth enamel, which can lead to additional oral issues. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), chewing gum triggers the production of saliva that washes away or dilutes these acids. Clinical studies show that after a minimum of 20 minutes of chewing, optimal oral benefits are reached.
Slique™ Gum combines pure, natural frankincense chewing resin, peppermint and spearmint essential oils, and xylitol into a one-of-a-kind chewing experience. The gum base is free of synthetic material and is cold pressed to preserve the benefits that ancient caravan travelers enjoyed. Personally, I like to spice my gum up a little by adding 1–2 drops of Slique Essence prior to chewing. This adds additional flavor and a hint of sweetness. It also adds additional Slique benefits. It should be noted, however, that adding any type of citrus oil to the gum modifies the gum consistency and may alter the chewing experience.
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