Welcome to the September 30, 2010 edition of aromatherapy.
Tela Andrews presents 12 Step Sleep Routine Rehab Week 1: Morning Routine posted at Healthy Sleep and Help with Sleeping Issues, saying, “Discussing natural solutions to sleeping problems, and developments in the sleep industry. Fun and easy ways to make changes to your life and improve your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep to get the rest you need.”
Penny Thomas presents Yoga for Teachers: 50 Great Tips & Techniques for Yourself and Your Students posted at How To Become A Physical Therapist, saying, “The article has gathered 50 great tips and techniques for teachers, students, and everyone in between. Yoga practitioners at any level can now get videos on the proper techniques, reviews of products before a penny is spent, and instructions on how to master the most difficult of yoga poses.”
Leslie Yoelson presents MHA Degrees posted at Healthgasm, saying, “Affording an education is quite a challenge, especially for those seeking advanced degrees in a medical field. However, there are a variety of scholarship and financial aid options available to students.”
Dallas Burrows presents Radiology Technician Schools posted at Online Radiology Technician Schools, saying, “Healthcare professionals often dedicate their lives to researching cures to common diseases. These 20 researchers are focused on furthering cancer studies.”
Patricia Duggan presents 50 Famously Successful People Who Are Dyslexic posted at Psychology Degree, saying, “The article has listed 50 famously successful people who are dyslexic will show you, dyslexics are rarely alone and have gone onto accomplish amazing and incredible feats in just about every arena imaginable. The fields of acting, music, politics, science, and even writing have all been conquered by dyslexics.”
Gladys Greene presents LPN to RN Online posted at Online LPN to RN, saying, “A nursing care plan provides the framework by which a nurse or caregiver delineates care for his or her patients or clients. This care plan is essential to follow treatment plans, and can be included in a patient’s file.”
Virginia Hensley presents Top 20 Most Influential People in the Medical Administration Field posted at Online MHA, saying, “The individuals on this list are current administrators, people who either have been on the job for decades or who recently were hired and who have made extreme impacts in a short period.”
Diane Laine presents Nurse Practitioner Programs posted at Comments on: The Ultimate Guide to the Nurse Practitioner Career, saying, “Deciding on whether or not to pursue a career as a nurse practitioner can be a daunting task. One thing that can help make the decision easier is learning from the experiences of professionals in the field, who have already obtained degrees in nursing.”
Rugbygirl Crosby presents Top 10 Most Influential Nursing Professors posted at LVN to RN, saying, “As a student, or someone interested in nursing, you might seek the professors on this list for their knowledge by attending the schools where they teach or by reading about their work.”
Erik presents Brazilian Gloss Blog posted at Brazilian Gloss Blog, saying, “Blogs about how to get straight, frizz free hair with a Brazilian Keratin Treatment.”
Raymond Fernandez20 presents Top 20 Most Influential Pregnancy Experts posted at Ultra Healthy, saying, “You may not be familiar with all the names on this top 20 list of the most influential pregnancy experts, but their work has influenced many people, including other experts.”
Paul presents 10 Most Common Addictions in America posted at Masters In Public Health, saying, “The listed glimpses in the article are some of the most common ones in the United States, though the substance abuse statistics may not entirely reflect real addiction rates. Data collected by the United States Department of Health and Human Services polls individuals based on their respective substance use in the prior month.”
Aparna presents Aromatherapy sleep pillows and pillow mists posted at Beauty and Personal Grooming, saying, “Lack of sleep can not only dull senses and leave us irritable for the rest of the day but can also wreak havoc on our skin, though there are far more grave consequences of long time sleep deprivation. When we do not get the required 7-8 hours of sleep our skin suffers and overtime leaves behind a dull, dehydrated and wrinkled complexion. This is especially noticeable in the fragile skin under the eyes in the form of fine lines, dark circles or puffy bags.”
Mary-Ann presents Aromatherapy | Achievable Personal Development and Self Help Education posted at Achievable Personal Development and Self Help Education.
Nesher presents How to improve your Mental Alertness with Specific Aromas? posted at Online MBA Study.
Jenny Stowe presents ABC’s of First Aid posted at Masters In Healthcare.
Eadwine Walter presents Top 10 Most Influential Health Administration Professors posted at The Health Express, saying, “The following top 10 most influential health administration professors all focus on these fields of research in one way or another, and their accomplishments also are a reflection on the colleges and universities where they work.”
AndrosenDsouza presents Top 40 Forums & Message Boards for Health Administrators posted at Master Of Health Administration, saying, “Interactive community forums, message boards or listservs can help health administrators, or those interested in the field, gain traction on news, research and health management policies.”
Jenny Stowe presents 10 Common Myths About Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder posted at Masters In Healthcare.
Julena presents Organics Review: BeeAllNatural Organic Lip Balm posted at Organic Makeup and Skin Care, saying, “This is a review of a great and really natural lip balm. It’s pure, and healthy, and is safe if you eat it!”
John Laugherton presents The Surgeon Hall of Fame: Most Influential Surgeons of the Past Decade posted at Online Surgical Technician Courses, saying, “The following list of surgeons contain individuals who have pioneered medical procedures, or they give lectures and/or they have become household names, thanks to television or the Internet.”
Hariclia Makoulis presents A Short History of Granola, or Why Hippies are Crunchy posted at Ambrosial Granola Blog.
NHE presents Calendula Oil Benefits posted at Natural Health Ezine, saying, “Find out all about Calendula (marigold) oil and what it can do for you.”
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