As I sat in my hotel room feeling deeply disappointed, I remembered a message that I had received from my friends Eldon and Nancy Knittle a week earlier when I was in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, giving an interview on a television talk show. At the same time, they were in Dallas, Texas, giving a Young Living meeting in a health food store. Although it was late when I returned to my room after the interview, I quickly called them.
When I talked with Nancy on the phone, she told me that after their meeting, a stranger who was in the audience came up to her and handed her a piece of paper with a phone number on it. He said he was an Egyptian and hoped that she could reach me before I left for Egypt. He said it would be important for me to have the number when I arrived and for me to please call if I needed any help. Then without further explanation, he turned and disappeared out the door.
I remember that as I hung up the phone, a strange feeling came over me. Was this a new mystery? After all, I was going to Egypt. But how did the stranger know I was going there? It was rather intriguing. I scribbled the number on a piece of paper, stuffed it into my wallet, and then turned to my unpacked suitcase that was waiting for me. I had to hurry and finish packing as my flight left early in the morning. With all that I had to do, I never gave our “stranger” another thought until now.
I pulled my wallet out of my pocket to quickly look through all the little pieces of paper I had accumulated. If the number was for real, this was the moment to find out. To my relief, I found the paper still there and quickly dialed the number. When the voice on the other end said hello, I introduced myself and started to explain my situation. He carefully interrupted and said, “Yes, I have been waiting for your call.” He gave me a very specific time to go down to the front of the hotel with my things. I was not to speak to anyone, and when a black car pulled up, I was to get in quickly; and then he hung up.
To be continued . . .
SOURCE: D. Gary Young Blog
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