Why was Christ the only child recorded in historical writings to receive frankincense, myrrh, and gold at his birth? Yet, even that was shrouded with mystery as the definition in the Sabaic Dictionary, published by the University of Sana’a in 1982, states: “Gold, a type of incense.” That was a clue to something new that really piqued my interest.
Historically, at that time, incense was far more prized than gold. If frankincense and myrrh were given as precious gifts, why would gold, a much lesser commodity, be given as well? How did frankincense and myrrh equate to gold? As I started putting together what I had learned with what had been written, it just didn’t make sense.
Through my research and in asking questions in that part of the world, I learned that balsam oil was anciently called “liquid gold.” That seemed to be common knowledge in the Arabian world. So then I had to ask myself, “Did the translator leave out the word liquid because it didn’t seem important, or was it simply not understood?” I was fascinated with it all and was driven to find the truth.
To be continued . . .
SOURCE: D. Gary Young Blog
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