MARY: I absolutely love sandalwood; I think it’s one of the most beautiful feeling oils on the skin. It has just the right texture—not too thin and not too thick—and I’ve been using it for years.
I can remember back in 1992 or ’93 before Gary and I were married. I was in my condo looking at the oils on the counter and wondered what it would be like to put oils on my skin, so I just started doing it and never stopped.
I don’t use only sandalwood, I also use other oils that are similar in viscosity. However, I have found that the oils have natural alcohol, which can be drying to the skin, and so I always put Boswellia Wrinkle Cream or A·R?T or one of the creams that we have on top of the oil and have found it to be a perfect combination for my skin.
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