Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Are They Problems or Gifts?

When we refer to emotional healing or therapy, in many ways some are from the old school–psychiatry, psychology, anger management, neurolinguistics, modified behavior counseling, and many, many more.  Every town has clinics offering ways for you to deal with your emotions and your behavior. Do you need the clinics? Are you throwing away your money?

Endorphins are pain suppressors and ecstasy inducers. Ecstasy is the antidote to a disease- and pain-free body. Pain and disease cannot live or be present in the frequency of ecstasy. Ecstasy is the highest physical vibration of the human body. Why aren’t we there? Why don’t we feel ecstasy 24/7? Because we get caught up in stuff, even though we know we’re not supposed to “sweat the small stuff.” But the stuff becomes bigger and bigger to us.

Psychosomatic–“psycho” means soul; “soma” means body. Can they be separated? No, not until you die. Emotions link mind and body, and the molecules of emotion run every system in your body. Think about it and think about the last time you had a negative emotion or you got upset about something.

Visit aroma-essence.com for more details!

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