Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Avoid Holiday Overeating

Healthy living is a habit. At some point, most of us have determined and resolved to live a healthier life. Even more often, we’ve probably stumbled. And with modern diets often lacking whole-food nutrition, you can see how this can influence your quality of life. Research supports that diets low in fat and highly processed foods and high in nutritive value and fiber decrease your risk for cancer, heart disease, obesity, and a number of other ailments.

Balance CompleteThe holiday season is upon us, and that means cakes, pies, cookies, eggnog, and lots of holiday parties! It also means that the average American will gain somewhere between one to two pounds and eat nearly twice as much saturated fat and sugar. We’re on a quest to find out if a cleanse today can pay dividends in the coming weeks.

Click here to read the full story!

Monday, December 26, 2011

No More Hectic Holidays

Let’s face it, fall and winter months can feel like the most hectic time of the year. We are bombarded with planning and preparing events and activities surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas time leading to increased stress and tension. Over the years Young Living has created a mix of soothing oils which clear the mind and relax emotions, allowing us to get through these busy months with ease, grace, and comfort. Here are some oils to easily use to enjoy the Holidays.

1. Peace & Calming essential oil blend—one Young Living’s most popular blends of oils, its’ citrus combination provides a relaxing sense of peace throughout the entire house.

2. Lavender essential oil—this oil’s sweet floral aroma is both soothing and refreshing add to its’ wide use. It assists the body in adapting to the stresses of a busy holiday. Simply rub a few drops to the wrist to release tension and balance the body.

Click here to read the full story

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blue Agave Recipe

“Raw” Chocolate Candy


125 g cacao butter
5 tablespoons cacao powder
3 tablespoons lucuma powder
2 tablespoons maca powder
2 tablespoons Young Living Blue Agave
A pinch of salt
3 drops Young Living peppermint essential oil

Melt cacao butter. I suggest using a hot water bath and grating the cacao small to melt it. Next add Blue Agave and salt and mix well. Then add powders and the peppermint oil. Mix well and do a taste test.

Click here to read the full story!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Homemade Decorations and Gifts for this Holiday

Make use of holiday craft ideas to decorate your home, try this LAVENDER WREATH to add decorations to your home. An uplifting gift to treasure is this lovely circle of dried lavender finished with a satin weave ribbon. Then add our treasured Lavender Essential Oil.

Make homemade gift-wrap and also to make homemade presents. Learn a new skill like sewing, crocheting or knitting so that you can make homemade gifts. Bead making is another popular craft that is ideal for presents.

Click here to read the full story!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hot Oil Treatment for Damaged Hair

Mix all ingredients well. Warm oil to a comfortable temperature and apply the mixture to damp hair[...]

Read the full details of this story, click here!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Aroma Bar

This morning, the vendor who is partnering with Young Living to provide the aroma bar service let the Product Marketing Team test which oils to use. As a group, we found that frankincense, Breathe Again™, Peace & Calming™, and grapefruit essential oil was the best. I must say, the sensation was strange at first, then very alluring. I didn’t want to stop with the YLTG grapefruit!

Read the full story, click here!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Coconut Oil Nut Butter Fudge Using Blue Agave


1/2 cup extra virgin coconut oil
2–4 tablespoons nut butter (peanut, almond, etc.) (peanut butter is my preference)
4–6 tablespoons cocoa powder or carob powder (more cocoa = a darker chocolate fudge)
2 T Young Living Blue Agave
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Gently heat coconut oil until liquid. Stir in all remaining ingredients until smooth[...]

Read the full story, click here!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gifts of Love

Home-Made Gift Ideas
Aroma-essence offers some quick and easy gift ideas you will enjoy making. And your family and friends will treasure your special gifts this Christmas. Their uplifting scent will haunt them even after the holiday season is over.

Read the whole story and visit Aroma-Essence’s Home-Made Gift Ideas.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Inner Defense to the Rescue

As a father of three, I need all the help I can get. I had no idea how many colds and sniffles my kids would bring home from school and playing with friends! Thankfully Inner Defense™ has rescued me on a number of occasions.

Inner Defense offers the crucial support needed when you’re body is stressed and features the immune-boosting power of Thieves® essential oil blend. The Thieves blend has been university tested for its effects against unwanted microorganisms, is highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health, and is a key contributor to the efficacy of Inner Defense.

Read the full story, click here!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Peppermint Iced Tea

Enjoy this fun recipe as a great way to start incorporating peppermint essential oil in to your everyday life!

Peppermint Iced Tea
4 decaffeinated green tea bags
1/4 c. Young Living Blue Agave
3 drops Young Living peppermint essential oil
3 limes

In the bottom of a 64-ounce pitcher, pour agave and peppermint essential oil. Pour hot water over top and stir. Add tea bags and steep until it has a dark caramel color. Quarter limes. Fill serving glasses with ice and squeeze one lime slice in each glass. Pour tea over ice and garnish with a sprig of mint and serve.

Click here to read the full story!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sacred Frankincense for Christmas

Do you wanted to do something good this Christmas? Try Young Living‘s Sacred Frankincense. It is a good essential oil for you who wish to take your spiritual journey and meditation experiences to a higher level.

Sacred Frankincense essential oil comes from the Boswellia sacra frankincense tree and is distilled at the Young Living distillery in Oman.

Click here to read the full story.

Make New but Old Christmas Cards

Santa Claus is coming to town! Yes, it is! Because Christmas is a time for love and gift giving.

But if you are in a tight budget, you can try this tip that can help you give cards for your love ones. You can recycle left over Christmas cards from last year. It will save you money while showing love to your family and friends.

You will need the old Christmas cards, construction paper, glue, pen, crayons or markers, and scissors to make these homemade cards.

And to make it more exciting, you can also use Young Living essential oils for it’s scent.

Monday, December 5, 2011

NingXia Shots

Trust me when I say you haven’t experienced convention until you have visited the NingXia Red® bar! Having tended bar at last month’s convention in Orlando, I now have firsthand knowledge. My experience included mixing shots, leading drinking games, and general shooting the breeze with bar patrons. I gained valuable knowledge regarding which oils go well together and also which shots are for sipping and which ones are for shooting. Some attendees showed up with a mix already in mind, but most came looking for a recommendation.

The most frequently asked question was “where can I get a copy of these shot mixes?” No where. Well, until now. Consider this your lucky day!

NingXia Bar Shot Mixes (designed for use with 1–2 oz. NingXia Red)

Who Let the Dogs Out?
1 drop lemon or orange essential oil
2 drops tangerine essential oil
1 drop sacred frankincense essential oil
1 drop cinnamon bark essential oil

Click here for more NingXia Shots!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Tale of 2 Frankincenses

Young Living currently offers two different types of frankincense essential oil—Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) and Sacred Frankincense (Boswellia sacra).  Historically, many believed the two to be the same, but Young Living’s recent research has proven that they are in fact two distinct species.  Our researchers have been the first to successfully separate the Chiral (pronounced Ki-Rol) molecules found in each variety of oil with Gas Chromatography (GC), offering definitive support of the difference between carteri and sacra. The GC tests have shown a difference in the optical rotation—the way light deflects off of molecules—in each species. To learn more about the science behind these tests, visit D. Gary Young’s Blog.

Click here to read the full story!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Frankincense: A Precious Gift

Frankincense is one of my favorite oils; I am fascinated by the attention Western science is giving this precious gift, and I think it would be valuable to share this discussion with everyone.

Much has been taught and discussed by Gary about frankincense over the years. He is continually learning new things, both about the history and the chemistry of frankincense. Gary and the Young Living scientists are continually running new tests on various frankincense species. He is learning there are various benefits depending on the type of species used and will share much of his findings at 2010 International Grand Convention.

Click here to read the full story!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Healthy Eating During the Holidays

As you prepare for the upcoming holiday parties and special occasions, remember these tips and you’ll be in good shape come the New Year:
  1. Don’t skip meals—It may be tempting to skip lunch in anticipation of a turkey feast, but cutting back during the day often leads to eating excess later. If you eat regularly during the day and focus on healthy snacks, you will be much less tempted to splurge as the day goes on.
  2. Control your portions—As with any good diet, moderation is the key to maintaining your health. You can go ahead and enjoy your favorite dessert, just treat yourself to a reasonable serving.
  3. Eat slowly—There’s no need to be in a rush! Concentrate on conversing with friends and family. Take small bites and chew completely. Then, once you are finished with your meal, leave the table to avoid further temptation.
Enjoy your eating, click here for the full story.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Leaping Over Emotional Hurdles

Golden Touch 1â„¢ Oil KitToo many people don’t understand this connection. Instead of releasing emotions and healing, individuals continue to push their emotions deeper and deeper. Left unchecked, negative feelings like anger, pain, and fear can move into the stomach, kidney, liver, heart, or other vital systems—essentially taking over the body and mind. In turn this drives emotions deeper into the body, creating a negative downward spiral.
 Young Living essential oils offer natural solutions to combat and overcome negative emotions. The Golden Touch 1™ kit, along with sacred frankincense, can be used to release deep, negative feelings, which will help you overcome emotional hurdles.

Click here to read the full story!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why I Like the New TheraPro Premium Essential Oil Diffuser

Young Living recently unveiled two new diffusers—TheraPro Premium Diffuser and Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser. One of these two diffusers will fit your style of diffusing Young Living essential oils. In this post, I really like the TheraPro diffuser.
TheraPro Premium DiffuserTheraPro Premium Diffuser
If you’re after serious therapeutic diffusion, TheraPro is the best choice.

The engineer who partnered with Young Living created this all-in-one model, making sure the oil droplets coming out of the atomizer are the smallest ever—between one and three microns. Small micron size means quick respiratory absorption for quick therapeutic action. To test it out, simply slip in a 15 ml bottle of any eucalyptus Young Living essential oil in and experience the difference.

Read the full story, click here!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Roll It On

Here are a few tips to remember when using the Roller Fitments:
  1. The fitments and caps are designed to fit on both the 5-ml and 15-ml bottles.
  2. To insert the fitment, remove the bottle orifice, insert the roller fitment into the bottle opening, and tighten the cap while pressing down until the fitment ring is flush with the bottle opening. Properly securing the cap is critical to avoid leaking and to ensure the fitment is properly inserted.
  3. Roller fitments were designed for use with the majority of Young Living bottles. With that in mind, there are certain bottle designs with which the fitments are not compatible. You can be sure your roller fitment will work with your bottle if the “Sb” logo is located on the bottom of the bottle.
Click here to read the full story!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Finding Strength and Comfort through Essential Oils

The essential oils I used most with him were frankincense, Valor®, Peace & Calming®, lavender, PanAway®, peppermint and Deep Relief™ Roll-On. I chose these oils for their relieving and calming properties. I would apply them to his feet, anywhere he was uncomfortable, and on his pillowcase so he could easily inhale them while he rested in bed. I can honestly say that every time I put the oils on him, he either told me or showed me that he got a little and sometimes a lot of relief from what he was feeling. He would also become less fidgety and feel calmer and more relaxed.

A few hours before my dad passed, the Hospice home caregiver and I gave him a sponge bath with warm water infused with Peace & Calming. Afterwards I anointed his whole body with frankincense. I believe these essential oils helped me remain calm and strong throughout this difficult process.

To read the full story, click here!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Five Secrets to Having More Energy and Vitality, part I

According to polarity therapy, a system for healing based on ayurvedic medicine, each element corresponds to certain emotions coupled with specific body-mind connections. Introducing the sense of smell through the use of essential oils allows the limbic system to be addressed through stimulation. Because the limbic system is where the brain stores all emotional memory, this is vital for releasing stuck or dormant emotions.

Energy Secret No. 1
Ether is the element needed for stimulating, activating, harmonizing, and balancing all of the other elements. Without ether, the rest of the elements won’t function properly. A sore throat, an indication that ether is out of sync, can be caused by not speaking our truth, difficulty asking for what we need and want, holding back grief, or feeling like you just don’t have any space in your life.

Essential oil recommendations for balancing ether includes frankincense, lavender, peppermint, Believe™, Thieves®, Deep Relief™ and Valor®.

Read the full story, click here!

What’s in Your Hair Care?

When it comes to functional natural hair care products, not only is it about how they perform and what’s in them, it’s important to know what’s notin them. In formulating our new Signature Hair Care line we wanted to bring you a natural solution that’s the safest, most effective option available. So we’ve made it a point not to include some of the common ingredients found in most hair care products (listed below) or feature any questionable naming tactics others companies may use to disguise the truth.
Lavender Mint Shampoo
Here’s what you won’t find in our new Signature Hair Care line and what we mean when we say full disclosure about our products:
  • No Phthalates: Phthalates are a class of chemicals often used in consumer products like shampoos as softening agents. They are commonly listed as DBP or di-n-butyl phthalate and DEP or diethyl phthalate. Phthalates can cause a wide range of adverse health problems including liver, kidney, and lung damage as well as reproductive system and sexual developmental abnormalities. Phthalates are classified as “probable human carcinogens.”
Read the full story, click here!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Amazing Essential Oils

Blue cypress is very exclusive, and you are going to love what this essential oil adds to these four products. Gary Young harnessed the power of this Australian secret and created four incredible blends:
Australian Blue is a powerful, aromatic essence that unites ancient aboriginal wisdom with today’s scientific knowledge about essential oils to uplift and inspire the mind and heart. This exotic essential oil blend has sweet, earthy undertones responsible for its calming and stabilizing effects.
Brain Power gives your brain a boost with essential oils that are high in sesquiterpenes. Use it to clarify thought and develop greater focus.

Know more about how amazing essential oils are, click here!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Vitality with Enzymes

This post is for those of you that may be struggling with uncomfortable stomach concerns—things like bloating, or stagnant, undigested food. It can be difficult to determine which foods contribute to the problem, but fortunately Young Living just launched a handful of new products to help!

D. Gary Young announced two great new enzyme products at last month’s Orlando convention, Essentialzymes-4 and the newly formulated Essentialzyme. Each has been specially formulated to support various stages of the digestive process.

Read the full story, click here!

Dr. Purser To Address Women’s Health

As women mature, the most pressing health concern is menopause. Menopause is inevitable, it is unavoidable, and it can be extremely difficult. There are 35 known health effects associated with menopause including:
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Increased wrinkles
  • Weight gain and muscle loss (sarcopenia)
  • Memory issues
Luckily, progesterone—a naturally-occurring human hormone—can combat or decrease many of these negative effects. Progesterone is known to decrease foam cell formation, endothelial inflammation, and plaque formation—thus promoting a healthy cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, as the body ages levels of progesterone decrease. In order to stay healthy, it is recommended that most women supplement their progesterone levels.

Dr. Purser’s go-to supplement for relieving the discomfort associated with menopause is Progessence™. “In my own office practice,” Dr. Purser attests, “Liberal use of Progessence dramatically decreased hot flashes and day and night sweats.”


Progessence™ is comprised of a variety of ingredients specially combined for women’s health. Progesterone, as mentioned above, is known to mitigate many of the health effects associated with menopause; pure geranium, fennel, and sage essential oils improve estrogen receptor function; and black and blue cohosh and wild yam help support proper levels of progesterone for women.

Read more of how to take care of Women's Health, click here!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Getting Started in Physical Fitness

The first order of business with any exercise plan, especially if you are a “dyed-in-the-wool” couch potato, is to consult with your health care provider.

If you have cardiac factors, your doctor may want to perform a stress test to establish a safe level of exercise for you.

Certain complications of some diseases will also dictate what type of exercise program you can take on. Activities like weightlifting, jogging, or high-impact aerobics can possibly pose a risk for people with diabetic retinopathy due to the risk for further blood vessel damage and possible “retinal detachment.”

To read the full story, click here!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cooking with Essential Oils

Here’s one of the special recipes using essential oils.

Imperial Palace Vegetable Soup

* recipe 1 potato
* 1 carrot
* 1 onion
* 2 tsp. reduced-salt soy sauce or Braggs
* 1 tsp. cashew butter
* 1-1/4 cups water
* dash black pepper powder
* 1 Tbsp. parsley
* 1 drop Tangerine oil

For more recipes, click here!

Monday, November 14, 2011

You Just Need to Believe

Believeâ„¢Since 1999 I have been using Young Living essential oils with my students, private bodywork clients, friends, family, and of course for myself. In all of my experience I can’t think of an essential oil blend that’s had a more profound impact on me than Believe™. It’s the perfect balance of Idaho balsam fir essential oil (Abies grandis), rosewood essential oil (Aniba rosaeodora), and frankincense essential oil (Boswellia carteri). Gary Young must have been truly inspired when he created this blend, which I refer to as “sunshine in a bottle.”

I have found success using this blend for communication or throat chakra issues. The throat chakra is the energy center for expressing our emotions, speaking truth, and the ability to grieve. I personally use Believe neat (undiluted) on the back of the neck and throat area before I make important phone calls or have business meetings. Most recently I have needed to make specific requests and set boundaries with people and I have found that Believe helps me be concise and clear while still maintaining kindness and compassion in my communications with others.

Read the full story, click here!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Reasons to Quit Quick Diet

To know more about these fad diets that are selling like hotcakes in the market today, here is a list of some telltale signs that would tell you not to try it even once.
Here they are:

1. Skipping meals
Does your diet plan require you to skip meals? If it does, then, it is a fad diet.
Abstain from food completely is not a healthy habit. It may even cause some serious complications or problems especially for people who are sick with diabetes.
Skipping meals will only cause a hypoglycemia, or the condition wherein your blood sugar is really low, and will probably only be effective in making you eat twice as much at the next meal.

Know how to start the right diet, click here!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How To Disease Proof Your Home

Diffusing essential oils in your home is easy to do, but it's knowing what to do and doing it that matters. To begin, essential oils are volatile. That is, they quickly evaporate, which makes them ideal for purifying the air within a home or office. People may place a drop or two on the vents of a furnace or air conditioner. The air passing over the vent will disperse the oil vapor. Other methods employ the use of a fan by placing a few drops of oil on the fan housing. But the most efficient method uses a device made specifically for diffusing called a diffuser.

Commercial diffusers typically disperse the oil in micro-fine or molecule size vapors, which quickly saturate the air. Because the vapors are micro-fine, they can remain suspended for up to several hours. By using such a diffuser, everyone, pets included, will inhale the vapors as they breathe. As the vapors reach the interior of the respiratory tract, the chemical molecules of the oil go to work against invaders and penetrate into the blood stream. The whole body benefits as the oils work synergistically with the body's defenses.

Better diffusers consist of an air pump, oil well and a glass nebulizer connected by flexible air tubing. The pump can be set on the floor or under an end table out of sight. Many people hook diffusers up to a timer, which allows it to turn on and off automatically. The whole assembly is easy to assemble and to clean[...]

Source: How To Disease Proof Your Home

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why Do You Super B?

I’m constantly amazed at the great testimonials we receive from our members. They send us great product use ideas, heartwarming testimonials, and practical application advice.
Here are a few we’ve recently received on Super B™:
“My son, Jesse, had a hard time holding his temper and kids at school discovered they could push his buttons. However, I got him to take YL’s Super B and he reported to me that he felt more in control and could walk away from a potential fight. He really felt a difference!”
“I love Super B. I have taken many different B vitamins over the years, but have found Young Living’s Super B to be the best. Amazing energy.”
Click here for you to read the full story.

Drying Chamomile

Usually, people pick just the flowers. And that is a waste of good herb: the stems of chamomile (Matricaria recutita) are perfectly useful, if weaker than the yellow flower.

It’s easiest to just pull up a bunch of whole plants, roots and all – they’re annuals which lean on one another, and their taproots are really pretty small.

Pic: Drying chamomile. Discard any flowers and stems with aphids, pick off snails, discard flowers with spiders, and check for other infestations.

If your plants are in full flower, they’re about 1/2 m tall (perhaps 1.5′). The lower half is mostly yellow leaf, if your bunch was pulled up in a lushly growing spot. Break the stems one by one where the leaf turns green, and spread the top bits on a bit of old bedsheet laid on top of a thick layer of newspapers.

Let dry in a shady airy spot for 7-10 days.

Read the full story, click here!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Love Your Liver, Take JuvaPower

JuvaPower helps combat the negative effects of a modern lifestyle by providing many of the world’s best liver-supporting, nutrient-rich foods: rice seed bran, spinach leaf, tomato fruit, beet root, flax seed bran, oat seed bran, broccoli floret/stalk, cucumber fruit, dill seed, barley sprouted seed, and many other natural ingredients, as well as Young Living’s essential oils anise (Pimpinella anisum) seed and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed.

These ingredients are known for their acid-binding properties, which essentially counteract the acids found in the liver in order to stabilize the pH level. A balanced internal pH level means a balanced, healthy body.

But the ingredients don’t stop working there. When these whole-food fibers are consumed, the body generates this food power to optimize normal liver function and to promote healthy intestinal cleansing. Essentially, your body not only gently cleanses, it also replenishes and fortifies with these amazing nutrients.

To read the full story, click here!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Three Effective Steps for the Next Emotional Breakthrough

Here are three easy steps that can help you break through emotional barriers:


A mistake that people get wrapped up in is negative thinking. You might be meaning well by criticizing yourself with defeating behavior, but this allows the negative emotions to dig deeper in the body. Apply Release™ to the liver area to break down the walls of negative thinking.

Place Forgiveness™ over the heart after negative thinking starts to change in your mind. Change your thoughts by using statements with powerful words. Staying focused on these goals can keep you away from distractions. This helps acknowledge current hazards and avoid feelings of panic.

Find out what is the next and last step, click here!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thyromin 101: Basics You Should Know

Thyromin™ plays a key role in Young Living’s new, fortifying QuadShield™ four-product kit by supporting the gland that is often most susceptible to radiation exposure—the thyroid.
Consider the processes the thyroid influences in the body: metabolism, growth and development, body temperature, etc. Young Living’s Thyromin contains a proprietary blend of bovine-derived thyroid powder, adrenal extract, and pituitary extract, as well as herbs, amino acids, minerals, and essential oils that support healthy thyroid function.

Click here to read the full story!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nourish Your Body With True Source

Young Living created True Source™ using dried superfood powders, whole-food vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients. The result is an impressive formulation that will change the way you look at daily multivitamins. True Source supplies a broad spectrum of what you’ve come to expect in a multivitamin: B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, folic acid, selenium, zinc, potassium, iodine, and magnesium.

So before I leave the house each morning I make sure I grab my packet of True Source; it’s just about as easy as eating an apple a day and it’s much more effective! With a good night’s rest, a morning workout, and proper nutrition, your body will thank you.

To read the full story, click here!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Under Eye Dark Circle Removal Remedy

You can use Wolfberry Eye Creme.  This cream eases eye puffiness and dark circles in addition to promoting skin tightening. May be used before bed and in the morning.

Or you can also use these home remedies to reduce the appearance under the eyes are:

1. Grate cucumber, soak two cotton balls in the juice and place over closed eyes. Potato juice is effective as well, as is rose water.

2. Slices of cold cucumber placed over the eyes for a few minutes are effective.

3. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night will help to reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

Read the full story, click here!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Is Your Skin Getting Enough Salt?

This scrub is perfect for exfoliating before applying a self tanner or just for a weekly exfoliation boost.

Buttermilk/Cucumber Salt Scrub

You need:

1 medium cucumber, peeled and grated (use a cheese grater)
1 c. buttermilk
1?2 c. sea salt or kosher salt (I prefer sea salt, but both will give you great results!)

  • In a small bowl, mix the cucumber and buttermilk.
  • Add the salt and blend into a thick paste.
  • Relax in a warm shower for 5–10minutes, allowing heat and steam to open up your pores.
  • Apply the scrub liberally; pay special attention to dry areas likes elbows and knees, then rinse. (Make sure you use any scrub with salt before shaving since the salt can irritate freshly shaved skin.)
  • Rinse the scrub then shave or cleanse as normal.
  • Pat skin dry and use a moisturizer. Using a lighter moisturizer like Young Living’s Lavender Hand & Body Lotion will add just enough to prep your skin for a summer day. If your skin is a bit dryer, then using Sandalwood Moisture Cream will be the perfect finishing touch!
To read the full story, click here!

Live with Longevity

We’ve all had “one of those weeks” where it seems like nothing goes right. And the worst part is that our healthy living habits seem to suffer the most. Fortunately, Young Living has a great line of nutrition products to keep us from feeling run down and can help make “those weeks” more bearable.

Recently, I added Longevity™ softgels to my daily regimen as a way to combat a particularly difficult week. Longevity is a powerful blend of Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ thyme, orange, and frankincense essential oils that can be taken daily to prevent the damaging effects of aging, diet, and the environment[...]

To read the full story, click here!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Young Living Copaiba Essential Oil

Copaiba is an incredible essential oil that continues the tradition of South American essential oils being offered by Young Living.

Want to know the highlights of this potent essential oil? Deep in the heart of the Brazilian rain forest, the copaiba tree is harvested by “tapping” the heartwood similar to how rubber and maple are tapped. The resin is collected and then steam distilled, a process that delicately extracts the pure essential oil.

Copaiba has traditionally been used in native teas to aid in soothing digestive discomforts. It also has helped regulate people’s natural immune response.* It’s no wonder why copaiba is so effective. Copaiba essential oil contains the highest amounts of beta caryophyllene: 55 percent. This is the highest of any known essential oil!

To read the full story, click here!

Monday, October 24, 2011

What is Natural skin care?

So let’s see what these natural skin care measures are.

Well the first and the foremost natural skin care measure is – ‘Drink a lot of water’.  Around 8 glasses of water is a must everyday. Water helps in flushing out the toxins from the body, in a natural way. It helps in the overall upkeep of the body and promotes good health for all organs (not just skin).

General cleanliness is another inexpensive way of natural skin care.  Daily shower, wearing clean clothes and sleeping on a clean mattress/pillow are all part of general cleanliness. After all, clean skin is the key to keeping the skin disorders at bay.

To read the full story, click here!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Seed to Seal Difference

Young Living essential oils lie atop this quality triangle. Young Living’s products are special because we produce essential oils from beginning to end, or from Seed to Seal™. This is how we maintain the integrity of nature’s living energy. The process of Seed to Seal is:
  • Seed: Verifying the most beneficial seed species.
  • Cultivate: Farming the land ourselves to truly understand the art of agriculture.
  • Distill: Extracting oils with our own distillers.
  • Test: Verifying the quality of each essential oil with state-of-the-art equipment and top-notch experts.
  • Seal: Bottling the final product and carefully shipping worldwide.
Read the full story, click here!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Life 5: Power Up The Probiotic

I hate getting sick; it takes so much time away from everything I need to get done. And whether it was the flu or a sinus infection, I used to be the person who always got the latest bug. But once I started working at Young Living, I began taking Life 5™ every day—since then I’ve only been sick twice!

Life 5 Hi-Potency Probiotic

Life 5 contains probiotics, which are good bacteria that maintain balance in the intestines. The bacteria in Life 5 are also called strains, and this amazing product is equipped with five clinically proven strains—including two advanced super strains to enhance intestinal health.

Read the full story, click here!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Protect Your Mouth With Thieves

Most of us are concerned with having white teeth, but have you thought about how close you are to having gingivitis or periodontal disease? Dark and moist, your mouth is a prime location for germs and bacteria to grow out of control. Without proper daily care, your mouth, gums, and teeth are headed straight for bacteria heaven.

Taking the time to have proper oral care can prevent many oral health concerns as well as other health risks. It can prevent cavities, tartar, gingivitis (an infection of the gums caused by plaque), and more serious gum diseases such as periodontitis.

To get started, you need a good, reliable tooth brush. Many dentists encourage brushers to use a soft-bristled brush for removing plaque and other debris from the teeth. It is also suggested to use a small-headed brush because it can more easily reach all areas of the mouth.

Read the whole story of Protect Your Mouth With Thieves, click here!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Minor Burns Can Be Treated with Home Remedies

When a minor burn happens, the first thing to do is to get it under cold running water as quickly as possible. The sooner the burning process can be stopped, the better. You need to put out the fire, so to speak.

The second thing to do about a minor burn after it has been held under cold running water and the burning has ceased is absolutely nothing.

Leave it alone. The skin isn’t broken, and the body is designed to take care of the problem. If a blister forms, do NOT pop it.

Leave it alone. The fluid will be absorbed back into the body and help with the healing process.

Cover the burn with a clean porous bandage-like gauze and leave it alone for a full 24 hours. After a full day has passed, you can start applying the aloe vera gel to the burn.
Aloe vera gel is found in the middle of the leaves of the aloe vera plant. Simply cut a leaf open, extract the gel, and apply it to the burn.

Or you can use the universal oil, Lavender oil. This oil can help eliminate allergies and other types of burns.

Read the full story, click here!

Nourishing with Lavender

Lavender essential oil—revered for centuries for its calming, relaxing, and balancing properties—is a key ingredient in many of Young Living’s products. Our Lavender Signature Series features some of our most popular lavender-infused products and is now being expanded to include shampoo and conditioner.

We are excited to announce the availability of Lavender Shampoo and Conditioner, which contain our classic formula of uniquely blended botanical extracts, vitamins, and lavender essential oil. These premium products gently cleanse and nourish hair to keep your tresses at their healthy best.

Read the full story, click here!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Need Fresh Breath?

Most of us know that we should brush and floss our teeth to keep them healthy, but sometimes we may not have time to! If you’re like me and sometimes find yourself running from meeting to meeting or appointment to appointment, you may not have the extra time to stop and brush. That’s what makes Thieves Hard & Soft Lozenges such great time-saving alternatives.

Both the hard and soft lozenges contain the university-tested YLTG Thieves essential oil blend which provides excellent breath-freshening and bacteria-fighting elements. For a little touch of sweetness, we’ve added natural sweeteners such as maltitol, sorbitol, and/or xylitol. Each of these sweeteners has a low-glycemic effect and is tooth friendly. For added flavor and breath-refreshing benefits, the lozenges also contain peppermint, lemon, and/or orange YLTG essential oils. What a perfect way to fight the bacteria that causes bad breath!

Click here to read the full story!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Aromatherapy for mother and child

An aromatherapy treatment has so many benefits and can instill a sense of happiness, love and well-being into your child and this would be therapeutic for both of you. It also gives you time together, to learn, to absorb and to bond. Quality time can often be difficult to find, so this is a wonderful way of capturing those moments. Ensure that the oil used is pure essential oil and not synthetic oil which would not be appropriate for use with children and could even be harmful.
Massage on children has huge beneficial affects and can be nurturing and loving and as well as being wonderful for health and happiness, can help to cement those naturally strong bonds. Be careful not to massage too hard or deeply into the muscles, the touch should be gentle and light, and worked in the direction of the natural blood flow, firmer strokes upwards. For example: from wrist to shoulder.

Aromatherapy treatment for massage:

For sleep – 2 drops of Roman Chamomile and 4 drops of lavender mixed in base oil such as Almond. This can then be massaged gently into the skin and will induce good slumber.

To read the full story, click here!

How To Use Essential Oils at Birth

“I was with my daughter when she delivered her third baby. I diffused Peace & Calming® in the hospital room, massaged lavender and wintergreen on the ankles, and as delivery time came near with the hardest labor, I massaged her lower back with wintergreen. The attending nurse said she has seen hundreds of deliveries but has never seen any like this. It was marvelous!”

Get more details on Peace & Calming.

Peace & Calming® is a gentle, fragrant blend. When diffused, it helps calm tensions and uplifts the spirit, promoting relaxation and a deep sense of peace. When massaged on the bottoms of the feet, it can be a wonderful prelude to a peaceful night’s rest. Peace & Calming® may be especially calming and comforting to mother and baby, and to young children after an overactive and stressful day.
Click here to read the full story!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Menopause and Gentle Baby Oil

Suzanne Tompkins submitted the following tip:
Gentle Baby Oil
“I have been using Gentle Baby™ essential oil blend to help me sleep through these years of menopause; even night sweats don’t seem to keep me awake anymore! I put 2–4 drops in my hands and inhale deeply; then I rub the oil on my temples and the back of my neck. I also rub 2–3 drops on the bottom of my feet. Even when I wake in the night to visit the bathroom, I fall quickly back to sleep, which was not happening before Gentle Baby!”
To read the full story, click here!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Planning a Baby Shower

What comes to mind after hearing the four magical words,“We’re having a baby?” A baby shower,of course. Organizing a party with the expectant parents’ closest friends and family members is the perfect way of expressing “Congratulations,” or “We’re happy for you,” or “Best wishes.”

Aimed at further boosting the parents-to-be’s excitement for the future member of their family,the baby shower is usually hosted by a close friend or relative,at any time during the last months of the pregnancy.

Just like any other party,a baby shower requires careful planning to ensure that it will go as smoothly as possible,and be memorable for everyone. Although there are no rules cast in stone in preparing for a baby shower,there are some helpful tips to follow to help the host organize every aspect of the event.

1) Decide on the location.

Most baby showers are held at the parent-to-be’s house,since the expectant mother’s health needs to be considered. It is recommended for small,intimate parties,with only the closest friends and family members. Guests also tend to be more comfortable if the party’s setting is at home.

If the expectant parents love the outdoors,a barbecue party at their garden,or a local park may also be an option.  Naturally,the weather must be considered – baby shower does not literally mean soaking the guests in the rain.

For less complications,the host may reserve a secluded area in a restaurant or bar. It may be more costly,but at least the decoration,food and drinks,as well as the post-party cleanup will already be taken care of.

Click here to read the full story!

Companion Animal “Heart Talk” with Young Living Essential Oils (Part 2)

The ABCs of Heart Talk

Heart Talk is also about keeping pollutants low; exposure to too many environmental poisons is known to not only affect our pets’ health, but their behavior as well. Here is a simple approach that can cement the bond of trust and love between you and your companion.

A. Start the introduction of essential oils, especially for smaller animals, by first using Thieves® Household Cleaner to clean your home. This is an easy way to assist all immune systems. Thieves cleaner is safe to use in homes, aviaries, barns, and all other places where our best friends live.

B. Use Young Living’s TheraPro Diffuser for environmental modifications. A simple method of establishing a healthy environment is to set up the diffuser with 5 minutes on at low volume and 20 minutes off. Set this way, a bottle of essential oil can last for several weeks.

To read the full story, click here!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Overnight Weight Loss

The rate that a person loses weight is commensurate to how it is gained. Rapid weight is not good advisable since it leaves the person with lose skin and the only way to get rid of that would require surgery.

Weight loss depends on the condition of the person which includes weight, health, calorie-intake, age, gender, lifestyle, stress level and routine.

For more tips, you can always visit us at

To read the full story, click here!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Good Diet that Works

All diet plans are designed to make the person induce reduced amount of calories into the body. This does not mean that the person has to eat less. It just means that one has to eat smart by choosing the foods that have less calories. This makes it possible for someone to lose weight without the need to eat less.

During the course of the program, the person should still consult with the doctor and other health experts to monitor ones progress. There will be times that it is essential to modify the diet plan to further lose weight.

It is up to the person already to stick to the program to see that it works.

For more tips, you can always visit us at

Click here to read the full story!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rejuvenate Your Skin

Day 1


Clear your clutter. Straighten up, do a load of laundry, and clear the coffee table or counter. This will get you in the right place for inner cleansing.
Stock your fridge. Prepare to fill your body with healthy foods. Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables help repair and prevent damage to your skin. Avoid all alcohol, tobacco, and refined or processed foods.
 A.R.T.â„¢ Skin Care System
Purge your products. Give your skin time to rebalance by putting away everything except your cleanser, day lotion, and night cream. (Your ART® Skin Care System will more than suffice!)

Read the full story, click here!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Health and Home Remedies

Contrary to the popular belief held by many, it really isn’t necessary to run to the doctor for all of the minor problems that affect health.

There are, of course, times when a doctor is needed, and at those times his help should be gotten as quickly as possible. But for the minor problems, hurts, and ouches that just come with living in this world, you don’t really need a doctor — a little common sense and a few home remedies can take care of most of them.
Bruises: Arnica is often used for muscle soreness, but it is also effective for healing bruises. Arnica is a homeopathic cream.

Simple rub a little on a bruise and it will help the bruise to heal very quickly.
Minor Burns: A little lavender oil. The lavender oil will take the sting out of a minor burn and prevent scarring as well.

The lavender oil needs to be diluted. Use one part lavender oil to three parts of olive oil.

Clean the burn first with soap and water, then apply this mixture about three times each day and don’t cover the burn.

To read the full story, click here!

Thinking with Clarity

Several years ago I attended a week-long writers conference. I settled into my room and took out my Travel Fan Diffuser, poured what I thought was Peace & Calming®, and proceeded to look at the handbook for what class to take the next hour.

ClarityAttending a class on writing dialogue for multimedia, I was surprised at how easy it was for me to understand the intent. It was much easier than ever before. I realized that the diffusion had an amazing effect on my ability to expand my understanding of writing techniques. Entering my dorm room, I went to hold the bottle and discovered it was Clarity™!

Consider how often we need more clarity in our lives: while working, approaching any challenge, and even when we are afraid. Diffusing Clarity is simply the best approach to enhancing our ability to think clearer and be more creative.

To read the full story, click here!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Go Green with Your Beauty Routine,Part II

As you take steps to eliminate synthetic products from your daily routine,here are a few more tips that will help you go green with your beauty routine.

* Blow off your shampoo

Going a few days between washes not only allows a sexy texture that is better for styling,but is also good for the environment. Using a natural,emollient-rich shampoo and conditioner such as Young Living’s Rosewood Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner once or twice a week will eliminate the need for frequent washes.

* Make it last

Squeeze the most out of that tube of lipgloss or lotion just as you might your tube of toothpaste. A wringer,like those made for caulking guns or paint tubes,can work wonders. Turn your last bits of eye shadow into eyeliner by applying with a thin brush dipped in Vaseline. If your mascara gets dry,run hot water on the outside of the container to re-liquefy.

To read the full story, click here!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Go Green with Your Beauty Routine, Part I

Going green is everywhere,but it’s not always the first thing we think of when it comes to our beauty routines. Here a few simple tips you can incorporate to take your pampering process to a greener level.
A.R.T.â„¢ Skin Care System
* Find the multitaskers

Beauty products that serve multiple purposes mean less cost (score for the wallet!) and less waste (score for the environment!). Look for all-in-one beauty sticks that are good for eyes,lips,and cheeks.

To read the full story, click here!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Herbal Home Remedies for Anxiety

There are herbs that have been proven through the centuries to be effective in reducing stress and anxiety. Don’t let the scientific assertions that these herbs are not effective fool you.

They wouldn’t have stayed around for all of these many centuries if they didn’t work. Here are four that absolutely DO work:

1. Kava Kava: In ancient times kava was prepared as a tea. Today it can be purchased in capsule form. Kava takes about a week to work after it is started, but it will work to reduce stress and anxiety.

2. Ginseng: Ginseng has been used for many centuries to reduce stress and anxiety. It relaxes the mind and the body and is also known for its anti-aging properties.

3. Valerian: Valerian root has been used as a sedative for centuries and has now been proven effective in reducing anxiety and stress. Valerian also promotes sleep.

4. Catnip: If you don’t believe that catnip has a calming effect, put some on the floor and watch your cat roll in it. Then see your cat take a long nap.

Click here for the full story!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Feelings Kit Allows New Beginnings

Feelings Kit
The blends inside Feelings are Valor®, Harmony™, Forgiveness™, Inner Child™, Release™, and Present Time™. You may have tried these oils individually, but not together as prescribed in the Feelings regimen. Feelings shows you where to apply these oils for harmonic balance. Applying the Feelings oils is easy: Apply Valor to the feet, Harmony to a preferred chakra point, Forgiveness to the navel, Present Time behind the ears, Release over the liver, Inner Child under the nose, and Valor one more time on the feet.

Read the full story, click here!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Prenatal and Pregnancy

Prenatal vitamins are one of the most important vitamins that you take through out your pregnancy.  Ideally,you should start taking prenatal vitamins when you are trying to conceive a baby.  By taking prenatal while you are trying to conceive,you are preparing your body for the challenging task that lies ahead.  Some experts believe that taking prenatal before you are pregnant might actually reduce your risk of a miscarriage after you become pregnant.

Taking prenatal before pregnancy is not always possible for some people,but taking them during pregnancy is essential.  Prenatal vitamins contain one of the most important nutrients that a new mother needs and that are folic acid or folate.  By taking in extra folic acid,you lower your chances of your baby being born with an incomplete spinal column which is known as spina bifida.  In order for your baby to be protected,it is imperative that folic acid is taken in the first four weeks of fetal development.

Read the full story, click here! Thank you!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Headache Home Remedies

People were curing headaches many centuries before these little magic pills appeared on the scene.

Herbs that are known to relieve headaches,and which can be bought at most every herb store,are:

White willow bark (the basis of aspirin but in natural form),feverfew,peppermint,passionflower,gingko,cayenne,meadowsweet,valerian,skullcap,and chamomile.

Certain aromas,like lavender,are also known to relieve headaches.

Read the whole story,click here!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Itchy Skin Home Remedy

Today doctors often prescribe products that have a base of oatmeal to relieve itching,but oatmeal has been used for many centuries to relieve itching.

Maybe modern medical science is just now catching up with what the rest of us have known for years.

Camphor mixed with sandalwood paste has long been used as a relief for itching. Today,both camphor and sandalwood are used in modern-day itch relief salves,creams,and ointments.

Read the full story,click here! Thank you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Choosing the Right Meal Replacement

Power Meal Balance Complete Pure Protein Complete
Serving Size 52 grams 52 grams 45 grams
Usage Vegetarian solution for a filling snack or as a complete meal replacement For use as a filling snack or as a complete meal replacement Ideal for use as a snack or to supplement protein intake
Protein Sources Brown rice Whey (dairy derived) Whey (dairy derived)
Protein Per Serving 20.6 grams 11 grams 20 grams
Fiber Per Serving 7.1 grams total3.2 grams insoluble 11.02 grams total2.27 grams insoluble 5 grams total0.1 grams insoluble
Meal Replacement Yes Yes No
Total Fat 3.32 grams 6.17 grams 2.85 grams
Saturated Fat 1.1 grams 2.78 grams 1.27 grams
Carbohydrates 24.2 grams 26.11 grams 16.68 grams
Vegetarian/Vegan Yes No No

Read the full story, click here!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Power of Scent

Now for some practical uses of Young Living’s therapeutic-grade essential oils. Here are a few simple steps you can use with Release™ and Joy™ oil blends to rid yourself of unwanted emotions and replace them with desirable ones:
  1. Place a few drops of Release over the liver and hold it as you feel heat release and emotions calm.
  2. Add a few drops of Joy to your bath water to uplift your mood before you start the day.
  3. Diffuse Release for a time then Joy throughout the house to move stale air.
  4. When negative emotions try to creep back, apply Release to the heart.
  5. Put Joy on the crown of the head to invigorate, enhance, and create positive emotions.
Click here to read the full story!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Protect you Health with Thieves

Diffusing therapeutic essential oils in your home and office like Thieves Oils will help you prevent colds and Flu. Here are some information about, THIEVES.
Created from research about four thieves during the 15-century plague in England who used cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics to protect themselves while robbing plague victims. Thieves is a proprietary blend of pure essential oils tested at Weber State University for its potent antimicrobial properties. It was found to have a 99.6% kill rate against airborne bacteria. THIS BLEND IS AN INTEGRAL INGREDIENT IN DENTAROME AND DENTAROME PLUS TOOTHPASTES. [15 ml - Code #3423]

For more information on how to avoid colds and flu, read the whole story of “Colds and Flu To-Do List”.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Energy through Essential Oils

I have found that when I use essential oils in tandem with yoga and energy exercises from Dr. Stone’s Polarity Therapy, my whole being shifts and I can find the power and focus I need to accomplish my purpose.

Fire helps us focus, have confidence, self-discipline, and meet the challenges that often seem to block us. According to Polarity principles, the fire element resides in the solar plexus, thighs, head, and eyes. The essential oils I recommend for boosting and equalizing the fire element are:
Click here for the full story.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Omega Blue:Fatty Acids the Way Nature Intended

Enter Young Living’s best-selling Omega Blue™ with pure fish oil and Omega Enhance™. Omega Blue provides clinically proven omega-3 fatty acids that are harvested from fish raised in environments free of pollutants,dioxins,PCBs,pesticides,and heavy metals. Young Living’s Omega Enhance preservation system—a blend of pure blue chamomile,lemongrass,clove,and myrrh essential oils—increases the shelf life by up to ten times,ensuring freshness not only throughout preparation but also during metabolism in the body. Precision Delivery softgels then release in the intestines for three times the absorption with no fishy aftertaste.

Read more of the story, click here!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Creamy Tomato Soup

Here’s one of the most common baby shower recipes:

·    Creamy Tomato Soup


1 tsp vegetable oil
1 can tomato soup (condensed)
1 tbsp basil
Mozarella or croutons (for toppings)
1. Heat vegetable oil in a medium saucepan.
2. Add the tomato soup.
3. Add milk (approximately the same amount as that of the tomato soup).
4. Add basil and cook slowly on low heat (do not boil).
5. Top with a sprinkling of shredded mozzarella and croutons. Serve.
Until next post!

To know more things about babies and mommies,you can always visit us at and

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Detection of Disease in the Child: Signs of Health

It is highly important that a mother should possess such information as will enable her to detect disease at its first appearance,and thus insure for her child timely medical assistance. This knowledge it will not be difficult for her to obtain. She has only to bear in mind what are the indications which constitute health,and she will at once see that all deviations from it must denote the presence of disorder,if not of actual disease. With these changes she must to a certain extent make herself acquainted.

Signs of health
The signs of health are to be found,first,in the healthy performance of the various functions of the body;the regular demands made for its supply,neither in excess or deficiency;and a similar regularity in its excretions both in quantity and appearance.

If the figure of the healthy infant is observed,something may be learnt from this. There will be perceived such an universal roundness in all parts of the child’s body,that there is no such thing as an angle to be found in the whole figure;whether the limbs are bent or straight,every line forms a portion of a circle. The limbs will feel firm and solid,and unless they are bent,the joints cannot be discovered.

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Detection of Disease in the Child: Of the Gestures

The gestures of a healthy child are all easy and natural;  but in sickness those deviations occur,  which alone will often denote the nature of the disease.

Suppose an infant to have acquired the power to support itself,  to hold its head erect;let sickness come,  its head will droop immediately,and this power will be lost,  only to be regained with the return of health;  and during the interval every posture and movement will be that of languor.

The little one that has just taught itself to run alone from chair to chair,  having two or three teeth pressing upon and irritating the gums,  will for a time be completely taken off its feet,  and perhaps lie languidly in its cot,  or on its nurse’s arm.

The legs being drawn up to the belly,  and accompanied by crying,  are proofs of disorder and pain in the bowels. Press upon this part,  and your pressure will increase the pain. Look to the secretions from the bowels themselves,  and by their unhealthy character your suspicions,  in reference to the seat of the disorder,  are at once confirmed.

Read the full story, click here!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Breast Feeding Complications

Clogged milk ducts:

Clogged milk ducts can be identified as small, red tender lumps on the tissue of the breast. Clogged ducts can cause the milk to back up and lead to infection. The best way to unclog these ducts is to ensure that you've emptied as completely as possible. You should offer the clogged breast first at feeding time, then let your baby empty it as much as possible. If milk remains after the feeding, the remaining amount should be removed by hand or with a pump. You should also keep pressure off the duct by making sure your bra is not too tight.

Breast infection:

Also known as mastititis, breast infection is normally due to empty breasts completely out of milk, germs gaining entrance to the milk ducts through cracks or fissures in the nipple, and decreased immunity in the mother due to stress or inadequate nutrition. The symptoms of breast infection include severe pain or soreness, hardness of the breast, redness of the breast, heat coming from the area, swelling, or even chills.

Read the whole story of  Breast Feeding Complications, click here!

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Better Than Skin Deep

Mineral Essenceâ„¢While attending Young Living’s recent Ireland Incentive Trip, a friend showed me a reddened area on her skin. The area had been bothering her for a while and even after using many wonderful essential, it was still there.
When I’m at a loss, I trust the Creator of all life. So I quieted down my mental chatter and Mineral Essence™ simply popped into mind. Minerals! That was the key!

According to Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling, “You can trace . . .  every ailment to your minerals deficiency.” Young Living’s Mineral Essence is a balanced, full-spectrum ionic mineral complex that is enhanced with essential oils. Ionic minerals are the most fully and quickly absorbed form of minerals available.

Read the full story, click here! Thank you!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Importance of Physical Fitness

One of the simplest and most effective ways to bring down  blood glucose levels,cut the risk of cardiovascular disease,and improve overall health and well-being is physical fitness and exercise. Yet,in our increasingly sedentary world,where almost every essential task can be performed online,from the driver’s seat,or with a phone call,exercising and being physically fit can be tough case to sell.

Read the full story,click here! Thank you!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Detection of Disease in the Child: Of the countenance

In health the countenance of a child is expressive of serenity in mind and body;  but if the child be unwell,this expression will be changed,and in a manner which,to a certain extent,will indicate what part of the system is at fault.

The brows will be contracted,  if there is pain,  and its seat is in the head. This is frequently the very first outward sign of any thing being wrong,and will occur at the very onset of disease;  if therefore remarked at an early period,  and proper remedies used,  its notice may prevent one of the most fearful of infantile complaints “Water in the Head.”

If this sign is passed by unheeded,  and the above disease be threatened,  soon the eyes will become fixed and staring,  the head hot,  and moved uneasily from side to side upon the pillow,  or lie heavily upon the nurse’s arm,  the child will start in its sleep,  grinding its teeth,and awake alarmed and screaming,  its face will be flushed,  particularly the cheeks (as if rouged),  its hands hot,  but feet cold,  its bowels obstinately costive,  or its motions scanty,  dark-coloured,and foul.

If the lips are drawn apart,  so as to show the teeth or gums,  the seat of the pain is in the belly.  This sign,  however,  will only be present during the actual existence of suffering;  if,  therefore,  there be any doubt whether it exist,press upon the stomach,  and watch the effect on the expression of the countenance.

Read the full story, click here! Thank you!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Budgeted Baby Shower Supplies

The party is determined on the gender of the baby and the supplies for the occasion depend on the theme of the baby shower.

These include the following;

·    A party for any occasion can never do without balloons. These can come in various colors,sizes and shapes and are quite affordable. One can order these either online or in the nearest party store in the neighborhood and have it ready for pickup or delivery in a few days.

·    A nice looking cake is another important thing that must not be missed out for a baby shower. Just like balloons,this can be made in various colors or shapes symbolizing a cartoon character or any other thing that is the theme of the party.

·    A baby shower should always have games. When there are games,there are prizes and the host can get some gift certificates to be given away.

·    The party can be formal or it can be a casual one where people who are a bit older have a chance to act like children again. Party ware is available in various colors. One can get it at an affordable price which includes everything from the glass,to the utensils and the plate itself. Since these are disposable,one can easily get rid of it when the party is over.

·    Streamers and ribbons for the party are also an essential to fix up the venue for baby shower. These come in rolls more than 50 feet long and can be purchased at a reasonable price.

Read the full story, click here!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Drawbacks of Free Baby Shower Games

Here are some of the disadvantages about the free baby shower games.

1. Free baby shower games do not look nice.
Most people contend that the printouts of the free printable baby shower games available online are better than the free baby shower games available in the market. This is because most of the free baby shower games are just plain handouts,with no artistic creations embedded in it.

2. Most parents would appreciate it more if you will not use free baby shower games.
The value or the money is not the issue here but on how baby shower games are used or executed. Because free baby shower games usually lacks quality materials,it would be better not to include them in the party than to make it appear that the event and the preparation was just taken for granted.

3. If there were a budget,it would be better not to use free baby shower games.
If you have a budget for the baby shower as well as the games,it would be better to use the games that were designed professionally.
Besides,baby shower games are not at all expensive when compared to free baby shower games.

4.  Believe on the saying,you will get what you have paid for.
This would mean that if you have obtained a baby shower game for free,then,expect something that is not meticulously and artistically created because there are no capitals or investments used to make the creation attractive.

Read the full story, click here!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Baby Shower FAQs (Part II)

Who are to be invited to the baby shower?

It depends.  If it is a work place shower,naturally you might only invite co-workers of the mommy to be.  Or if it is a family shower,invite family members.  But you may also opt to just hold one big baby shower where everyone is invited.

These days,couples showers are also becoming popular.  During a couples shower,both men and women are invited.  And surprisingly,guys enjoy baby showers as much as women do.

Be also mindful when inviting friends who have recently experienced losses or are having problems having a child.  Most may feel left out if uninvited.  What you can do is to ask them personally if they would be able to come in respect to their current situation.

And to avoid leaving out someone uninvited unintentionally,write a guest list beforehand.

For the full story, click here!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Baby Shower FAQs (Part I)

A baby is always a reason to have a celebration. Thus,there is the baby shower.

Baby showers have gained considerable popularity in the past decade.  This may be attributed to families becoming smaller;therefore each child gets more individual attention.

What is a baby shower?

A baby shower is a party thrown in honor of a couple who is expecting their firstborn.  Baby showers are held with the purpose of bestowing gifts upon the first-time mother so she’ll have the items needed by the baby on its arrival day.
Baby showers also serve as a welcoming event for a new member to the family.

Read the full story, click here!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is It Advisable to Get Free Printable Baby Shower Games?

Is It Advisable to Get Free Printable Baby Shower Games?

With the advent of the Internet,there are many concepts and ideas that can be retrieved online. In fact,even those who wanted to conduct baby shower can already get free printable baby shower games online.

Basically,these free printable baby shower games refer to the printable materials that can be downloaded from the Internet without any charge.

With these printable materials,the organizers of the party will no longer have to delve more on explaining to the audience the mechanics of the game. Plus,the games will look more presentable instead of getting some pieces of scratch paper with jumbled words and phrases that the guests will find it hard to understand.

Hence,with these printable baby shower games that can be downloaded for free,your activity will appear more coordinated and well-organized than just distributing pieces of paper to the guests to play.

Moreover,the parents would appreciate it more if they see that you take extra effort in getting printable baby shower games,even if it just for free than just get some sloppy baby shower games that can be obtained anywhere.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Home Remedies for Dandruff

For stubborn cases of dandruff, use a mixture of almond oil and olive oil. Apply to the scalp. It will start to burn but wait about five minutes and then wash it off.

Boil some neem leaves and then cool and strain. Rinse your hair after it has been shampooed with this solution.

Massaging your scalp with warmed coconut oil can help to clear up a case of dandruff.

Massage the scalp well when you apply the warmed cocoanut oil and let it sit on the scalp at least 10 minutes before you shampoo.

Read Healthy Hair Starts at the Scalp to know more about how to avoid dandruff.

Read the full story, click here!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Citrus Fresh as Tile Cleaner?

Juli Patten submitted the following tip:
“I was retiling my bathroom for the first time, and the adhesive I used oozed up between some of the tiles. I tried everything to get it off, even tile adhesive remover. Nothing seemed to work. Then my friend told me to try Citrus Fresh™ essential oil blend. I dropped it directly on the adhesive, smeared it around with my finger, and wiped it all off with a paper towel. It was amazing! I have since used it on many other types of adhesive, and it always works. It removes black scuff marks too.”
Click here for more details!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Loving Touch with Essential Oils

Daily “oil petting” for general prevention and promotion of well-being is simple. Incorporate these six steps into your daily routine:
  1. Choose one of these five fabulous oils for your best friend:
  • Peace & Calming® essential oil blend helps relax the nervous system and can release tension.
  • Sacred Mountain™ is grounding and stabilizing. This blend is filled with the fragrance of outdoors and brings unexpected gifts. One day a neighbor’s dog came over joyfully and sat by me in the street. Her owner commented, “She never goes to anyone!” That is the wonder of Sacred Mountain! I applied one drop an hour before and then I was this dog’s best friend.
  • Idaho Tansy is one of the most versatile oils for animals. It is purifying, cleansing, regenerating, repels flies, and lots more!
  • Lavender essential oil is a wonderful relaxant and is great for healing wounds.
Read the whole story, click here!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anti aging skin care

Once the signs of aging start showing up, you should start using some additional measures in the form of anti aging skin care products like the A.R.T.™ Skin Care System. Also, with age, the skin undergoes significant change. So you will need to analyze your current skin care procedure to check if it still holds good i.e. if it is still suitable for your skin.

You should remember that aging is a natural process and there is nothing that can stop it from happening. All these anti aging skin measures can just help in delaying the aging process.

Brought to you by, Nature’s Most Trusted Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Store!

Source: Anti aging skin care

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cheese Balls for Baby Shower

Here’s one of the most common baby shower recipes:

Cheese Balls


½ lb cheese (cheddar or grated)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 pack cream cheese
4 oz Tabasco sauce
2 tsp onion
Chopped nuts
2 tsp catsup or chili sauce

1. Mix all ingredients together using a mixer or a food processor (the cheese should be at room temperature).

2. Empty mixed ingredients on small bowls lined with plastic wrap.

3. Refrigerate overnight.

4. To serve,remove wrap and sprinkle with nuts. Serve with assorted crackers.

Source:  Cheese Balls for Baby Shower

Monday, August 8, 2011

Baby Shower Recipes

A baby shower is a kind of party that celebrates and welcomes a new member to the family. In this tradition,expectant parents usually receive gifts or money for their expected child,which,in a way,supports the parents by helping them get the things that they need for their baby (or the things that they may not be able to afford).

Baby showers are generally held in the later stages of pregnancy (in the last 2 months,for instance). There are,however,certain cultural beliefs that make people purposefully wait for the baby to arrive before having a baby shower. Adoptive parents,at times,wait until after the adoption is final and the baby has arrived in their home.

Read the full story, click here! Thank you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Escaping Stress & Anxiety for Moms

The goal is simple: make her life a little easier! Help her reduce anxiety and release stress by giving the whole house a refreshing cleaning. But don’t reach for the typical chemical cleaners: use Young Living products instead. So dads, here are a few easy steps to get the kids, and you, started on your Mother’s Day project:

1. Start with deep cleaning. Fill a bucket with warm water and pour in a desired amount of Thieves® Household Cleaner. Give the children a rag and let them go to work.

2. Apply Thieves Spray to a rag and wipe down doorknobs, handles, bathtubs, toys, piano keys, etc. This creates a clean, relaxing, stress-free environment.

3. Diffuse Citrus Fresh™ essential oil blend in bedrooms. It leaves the rooms with a feeling of well-being because of its strong ability to clean the air. It is also great for the evening to calm and relax the children.

4. Add a few drops of Abundance™ essential oil blend to the cleaning rag as the children clean. It promotes a positive attitude and brings peace and happiness to the mind and body and joy to the heart.

Read the full story, click here!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Home Remedies for Colic

Teas that can be given to a baby are chamomile, ginger, catnip, and peppermint.

Chamomile tea is very good in kid’s colic, but you can use it in adult gut cramps as well. Chamomile removes the craving, need, shouts for attention, which makes it even better in most of the things that trouble small children (and some older people). It’s calming, and can be drunk as an evening tea.

Tea should not be used as a substitute for nutrition. They should always be used in addition to regular feedings.

On the Internet you can find a great many instructions for giving the baby massage. This has varying degrees of success, but it usually helps to relieve the baby to some degree[...]

Source: Home Remedies for Colic

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Baby Shower Poems Add Vibrance to Life

Poetry is such vibrant means of communicating.  It is one’s creative way of expressing emotion,intellect and aspirations.  It is filled with sentiment and mirrors the individual’s true inner being.  Such channel of expression is befitting an equally elating occasion:the anticipated arrival of a newborn.  Here are ways of incorporating poems into the momentous event,the baby shower.

Invitation Poems

Poetry about babies can give the baby shower invitation added charm.  Think of what it feels like to have a baby,the hope of anticipation and the fulfillment of birth.  Include in the poem how you’d like those wonderful feelings to be shared with the guest being invited.  Finally,to give the invitation a customized appeal,include the invitation details in the poem,carefully spreading the details,all throughout the verse,if possible.

Thank You Poems
Thank you poems are creative ways of expressing love and happiness for the future newborn.  With the upcoming occasion,there are many things to thank for:having God’s blessing in such a feeble form or having the support of family and friends while playing the waiting game.  Mom-to-be can deliver the thank you poem.  If it is a co-ed baby shower,the Dad-to-be can do the honors.
Another way of saying thank you is through the baby shower thank you card.  This is sent to all guests who gave gifts for the occasion.  Include a short rhyme on how blessed the baby is for having guardians as loving as the guest who sent the gift.  Then end by thanking them for it.

Read the full story, click here! Thank you!