Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Avoid Holiday Overeating

Healthy living is a habit. At some point, most of us have determined and resolved to live a healthier life. Even more often, we’ve probably stumbled. And with modern diets often lacking whole-food nutrition, you can see how this can influence your quality of life. Research supports that diets low in fat and highly processed foods and high in nutritive value and fiber decrease your risk for cancer, heart disease, obesity, and a number of other ailments.

Balance CompleteThe holiday season is upon us, and that means cakes, pies, cookies, eggnog, and lots of holiday parties! It also means that the average American will gain somewhere between one to two pounds and eat nearly twice as much saturated fat and sugar. We’re on a quest to find out if a cleanse today can pay dividends in the coming weeks.

Click here to read the full story!

Monday, December 26, 2011

No More Hectic Holidays

Let’s face it, fall and winter months can feel like the most hectic time of the year. We are bombarded with planning and preparing events and activities surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas time leading to increased stress and tension. Over the years Young Living has created a mix of soothing oils which clear the mind and relax emotions, allowing us to get through these busy months with ease, grace, and comfort. Here are some oils to easily use to enjoy the Holidays.

1. Peace & Calming essential oil blend—one Young Living’s most popular blends of oils, its’ citrus combination provides a relaxing sense of peace throughout the entire house.

2. Lavender essential oil—this oil’s sweet floral aroma is both soothing and refreshing add to its’ wide use. It assists the body in adapting to the stresses of a busy holiday. Simply rub a few drops to the wrist to release tension and balance the body.

Click here to read the full story

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blue Agave Recipe

“Raw” Chocolate Candy


125 g cacao butter
5 tablespoons cacao powder
3 tablespoons lucuma powder
2 tablespoons maca powder
2 tablespoons Young Living Blue Agave
A pinch of salt
3 drops Young Living peppermint essential oil

Melt cacao butter. I suggest using a hot water bath and grating the cacao small to melt it. Next add Blue Agave and salt and mix well. Then add powders and the peppermint oil. Mix well and do a taste test.

Click here to read the full story!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Homemade Decorations and Gifts for this Holiday

Make use of holiday craft ideas to decorate your home, try this LAVENDER WREATH to add decorations to your home. An uplifting gift to treasure is this lovely circle of dried lavender finished with a satin weave ribbon. Then add our treasured Lavender Essential Oil.

Make homemade gift-wrap and also to make homemade presents. Learn a new skill like sewing, crocheting or knitting so that you can make homemade gifts. Bead making is another popular craft that is ideal for presents.

Click here to read the full story!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hot Oil Treatment for Damaged Hair

Mix all ingredients well. Warm oil to a comfortable temperature and apply the mixture to damp hair[...]

Read the full details of this story, click here!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Aroma Bar

This morning, the vendor who is partnering with Young Living to provide the aroma bar service let the Product Marketing Team test which oils to use. As a group, we found that frankincense, Breathe Again™, Peace & Calming™, and grapefruit essential oil was the best. I must say, the sensation was strange at first, then very alluring. I didn’t want to stop with the YLTG grapefruit!

Read the full story, click here!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Coconut Oil Nut Butter Fudge Using Blue Agave


1/2 cup extra virgin coconut oil
2–4 tablespoons nut butter (peanut, almond, etc.) (peanut butter is my preference)
4–6 tablespoons cocoa powder or carob powder (more cocoa = a darker chocolate fudge)
2 T Young Living Blue Agave
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Gently heat coconut oil until liquid. Stir in all remaining ingredients until smooth[...]

Read the full story, click here!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gifts of Love

Home-Made Gift Ideas
Aroma-essence offers some quick and easy gift ideas you will enjoy making. And your family and friends will treasure your special gifts this Christmas. Their uplifting scent will haunt them even after the holiday season is over.

Read the whole story and visit Aroma-Essence’s Home-Made Gift Ideas.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Inner Defense to the Rescue

As a father of three, I need all the help I can get. I had no idea how many colds and sniffles my kids would bring home from school and playing with friends! Thankfully Inner Defense™ has rescued me on a number of occasions.

Inner Defense offers the crucial support needed when you’re body is stressed and features the immune-boosting power of Thieves® essential oil blend. The Thieves blend has been university tested for its effects against unwanted microorganisms, is highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health, and is a key contributor to the efficacy of Inner Defense.

Read the full story, click here!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Peppermint Iced Tea

Enjoy this fun recipe as a great way to start incorporating peppermint essential oil in to your everyday life!

Peppermint Iced Tea
4 decaffeinated green tea bags
1/4 c. Young Living Blue Agave
3 drops Young Living peppermint essential oil
3 limes

In the bottom of a 64-ounce pitcher, pour agave and peppermint essential oil. Pour hot water over top and stir. Add tea bags and steep until it has a dark caramel color. Quarter limes. Fill serving glasses with ice and squeeze one lime slice in each glass. Pour tea over ice and garnish with a sprig of mint and serve.

Click here to read the full story!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sacred Frankincense for Christmas

Do you wanted to do something good this Christmas? Try Young Living‘s Sacred Frankincense. It is a good essential oil for you who wish to take your spiritual journey and meditation experiences to a higher level.

Sacred Frankincense essential oil comes from the Boswellia sacra frankincense tree and is distilled at the Young Living distillery in Oman.

Click here to read the full story.

Make New but Old Christmas Cards

Santa Claus is coming to town! Yes, it is! Because Christmas is a time for love and gift giving.

But if you are in a tight budget, you can try this tip that can help you give cards for your love ones. You can recycle left over Christmas cards from last year. It will save you money while showing love to your family and friends.

You will need the old Christmas cards, construction paper, glue, pen, crayons or markers, and scissors to make these homemade cards.

And to make it more exciting, you can also use Young Living essential oils for it’s scent.

Monday, December 5, 2011

NingXia Shots

Trust me when I say you haven’t experienced convention until you have visited the NingXia Red® bar! Having tended bar at last month’s convention in Orlando, I now have firsthand knowledge. My experience included mixing shots, leading drinking games, and general shooting the breeze with bar patrons. I gained valuable knowledge regarding which oils go well together and also which shots are for sipping and which ones are for shooting. Some attendees showed up with a mix already in mind, but most came looking for a recommendation.

The most frequently asked question was “where can I get a copy of these shot mixes?” No where. Well, until now. Consider this your lucky day!

NingXia Bar Shot Mixes (designed for use with 1–2 oz. NingXia Red)

Who Let the Dogs Out?
1 drop lemon or orange essential oil
2 drops tangerine essential oil
1 drop sacred frankincense essential oil
1 drop cinnamon bark essential oil

Click here for more NingXia Shots!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Tale of 2 Frankincenses

Young Living currently offers two different types of frankincense essential oil—Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) and Sacred Frankincense (Boswellia sacra).  Historically, many believed the two to be the same, but Young Living’s recent research has proven that they are in fact two distinct species.  Our researchers have been the first to successfully separate the Chiral (pronounced Ki-Rol) molecules found in each variety of oil with Gas Chromatography (GC), offering definitive support of the difference between carteri and sacra. The GC tests have shown a difference in the optical rotation—the way light deflects off of molecules—in each species. To learn more about the science behind these tests, visit D. Gary Young’s Blog.

Click here to read the full story!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Frankincense: A Precious Gift

Frankincense is one of my favorite oils; I am fascinated by the attention Western science is giving this precious gift, and I think it would be valuable to share this discussion with everyone.

Much has been taught and discussed by Gary about frankincense over the years. He is continually learning new things, both about the history and the chemistry of frankincense. Gary and the Young Living scientists are continually running new tests on various frankincense species. He is learning there are various benefits depending on the type of species used and will share much of his findings at 2010 International Grand Convention.

Click here to read the full story!