Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hormone Production Needs Enzymes

Supplemental enzymes come from plant, microbial, fermentation, andanimal sources. A lot of you may be vegetarians, and I just wish for you to pay close attention, because I feel that I can speak your language quite well. I was a strict vegetarian for 27 years. I lived that life and felt it was really valuable—except for one thing. When you’re young in your 20s, 30s, and 40s, it’s really easy to be a vegetarian.

When you hit 40, things start to change a bit. All of a sudden—and particularly for you ladies who have had children—all of a sudden you start to notice that your energy is down, and your skin doesn’t feel as soft and firm as it used to. You start to get little lines around your eyes but feel that you shouldn’t.

Estrogen is needed to maintain beautiful skin for you ladies, and when you’re a vegetarian, you have a very, very difficult time maintaining proper estrogen levels after the age of 40 if you have had children. Now if you haven’t had children, you can probably make it to 50 before you really start noticing it, but in today’s world, I really doubt it.

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