Monday, September 5, 2011

Detection of Disease in the Child: Of the Gestures

The gestures of a healthy child are all easy and natural;  but in sickness those deviations occur,  which alone will often denote the nature of the disease.

Suppose an infant to have acquired the power to support itself,  to hold its head erect;let sickness come,  its head will droop immediately,and this power will be lost,  only to be regained with the return of health;  and during the interval every posture and movement will be that of languor.

The little one that has just taught itself to run alone from chair to chair,  having two or three teeth pressing upon and irritating the gums,  will for a time be completely taken off its feet,  and perhaps lie languidly in its cot,  or on its nurse’s arm.

The legs being drawn up to the belly,  and accompanied by crying,  are proofs of disorder and pain in the bowels. Press upon this part,  and your pressure will increase the pain. Look to the secretions from the bowels themselves,  and by their unhealthy character your suspicions,  in reference to the seat of the disorder,  are at once confirmed.

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