Monday, September 26, 2011

Health and Home Remedies

Contrary to the popular belief held by many, it really isn’t necessary to run to the doctor for all of the minor problems that affect health.

There are, of course, times when a doctor is needed, and at those times his help should be gotten as quickly as possible. But for the minor problems, hurts, and ouches that just come with living in this world, you don’t really need a doctor — a little common sense and a few home remedies can take care of most of them.
Bruises: Arnica is often used for muscle soreness, but it is also effective for healing bruises. Arnica is a homeopathic cream.

Simple rub a little on a bruise and it will help the bruise to heal very quickly.
Minor Burns: A little lavender oil. The lavender oil will take the sting out of a minor burn and prevent scarring as well.

The lavender oil needs to be diluted. Use one part lavender oil to three parts of olive oil.

Clean the burn first with soap and water, then apply this mixture about three times each day and don’t cover the burn.

To read the full story, click here!

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